Sunday, September 26, 2010

Praying Mantis.....In Colorado?

While my brother, CJ, was visiting this week my daughter exclaimed "MOM! LOOK AT THIS BUG!" I sort of ignored the comment because she says that about ants. So, she was really getting worked up and I went over to the driveway and found this guy here. Pretty cool, eh?
I guess next time Miss E wants to show me a bug, I'm going to listen!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Moon

I am super excited for the 2nd movie of the Twilight Saga to come out in theaters. I want to see it right away in the theater. I have a big feeling that I'll be going all on my own to see New Moon. I'm not sure if it's sad that I plan to go to a movie alone or that I plan to see the movie in general. I guess I don't need to apologize for what I enjoy.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

One for Jenn....

I have a good friend, Jenn. She is one of the most thoughtful people I know (aside from her Mother, Rose. Jenn had a very good teacher in her Mother!). Jenn always remembers everyone she knows special days-Birthdays, Anniversaries, Children's Birthdays and any other regarded day. I don't have any idea how she does this. I've decided might have some sort of secret "Bat Cave/Layer" in her house. I imagine this room has it's walls covered with giant calendars. Each important date with a big red X or circle indicating like a homing beacon that something important is upcoming....the month of May would look like a Christmas display. Ok, anyhow on with what I am getting at. Jenn is generous and thoughtful. I cannot grasp how she manages to shop for everyone, always getting the most perfect gift. Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries. This woman is so wonderful that she even sends things, "Just because it made me think of you!" (Although, I believe this probably starts with "the perfect card!"...more on that another time).

I am the anti-Jenn. Not that I am not thoughtful. See, I write peoples Birthdays and other various special dates on my calendar. I've signed up for online reminder emails etc etc. I still forget to send a card-forget planning ahead enough to buy a gift and then mail it!! I do not know how Jenn manages to get this stuff accomplished. In her "bat cave" I imagine shelved labeled with peoples names. Each shelf has gifts that she has pre-purchased for future gifting because it was perfect for that specific person. I swear she does this......

Jenn is pretty much my hero, idol or whatever. I strive to be as thoughtful and kind as she is. And it pains me every time I forget to reply to her emails because my kids are making me nuts, or I forget her Wedding Anniversary (which I did) or when I send her birthday gift two months ahead so that I don't forget her. I hope she understands that I appreciate her more than she probably realizes and am completely at awe of her special talent.

Now, Jenn. If you read this- I hope you decide to come visit sometime. If you can't visit, I want a rain check that allows me admittance into the "Bat Cave"....I know it exists!

By the way. Jenn, you need Facebook!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome New Baby......

Yesterday, July 22, 2009, our family welcomed a new person into our family. Arthur Evan Kiel was born after Mandy labored for 40 ours. Now, granted, she was not in active labor for a great deal of that time. She was, however, in the hospital with her water broken. I wish I had a photo of baby Arthur-but we don't.

So. Welcome Baby Arthur!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Realizations via Pop Culture

So lately i've been thinking about something that was brought on by the TLC show "18 Children adnd Counting" and the Twilight Series. While I realize neither of these things seem to go hand in had, I have found a parallel. I've just finished up the 3rd book, Eclipse, in the Twilight Saga. I'll admit to feeling very complled to this series. I honestly think I wish I had an Edward. I am all about having a partner who exists only because of my being, and without me, would not survive. But, also, I wish I felt that same way. That isn't what this post is about though. What the post is about is giving your heart away before you mean to or should. See in the Duggars show, the don't allow their kids to date because they don't want their children giving pieces of their heart away to others before they find the one they'll spend their life with. I can agree with this in a way. I have people i've dated in my past who all have pieces of my heart...of my being. If Bella had not gone to Jacob to help her heal her heart, she wouldn't be in the pain she is. Jacob would not be hurting, Edward wouldn't feel like he was forcing her choose and she would not be in the midst of her current struggle.

I used to think that dating someone without the desire to marry them was alright. I seem to disagree now. Why leave small parts of your heart with various people when you could devote the entire thing to one person.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Not A Good Week....

This past week was not a good one. My cousin's fiancee, Amber, was in a serious accident. She was driving home and was t-boned at 70 miles per hour. She was not seriously injured but lost some of her memories. She had a serious concussion, a broken wrist, pinkey and possibly a broken ankle. We are lucky she made it through the accident. We were all very shaken up.

Friday we put our cat, Fro, to sleep. It was a bad feeling. I miss her and it's weird not to have her around. K eep looking for her and then realizee that she isn't here.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fro The Cat

Today I took Fro, our cat, to the Vet as she has been experiencing some elimination problems. This has been going on since January. She's been using a lot litter, upwards to $100 a month, due to frequent/heavy urination. Greg had her to the vet back in February and we were told that her problem is probably just behavior/stress related. We were advised to get her a happy feline pheremone diffuser ($25 a crack) which acts a lot like kitty prozac. This has helped mostly with the pooping outside the box, but the amount she is peeing is still a concern. So, to the vet we went. $217 later after some bloodwork and a urnie sample we are sent home to wait for results. Shes lost a few pounds since February 2-3 but the vet tech didn't record her weight last time we were in. I've weighed her and she is usually upward to 13#. She was barely 10# today. The vet thinks it's pretty likely that Fro has diabetes; and with that I feel that we will probably have to put her to sleep. This makes me sad.